Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is a holistic approach for preventing or controlling pests in all arenas, including agriculture, schools, parks, homes, golf courses, and gardens.

IPM principles and concepts are not overly technical or complex, as they are commonly associated with best production and maintenance practices. If you’re new to IPM, start small by adopting one or two practices you are most comfortable with and build from there. For example, you’re employing components of IPM by selecting quality seeds of a locally-preferred plant variety and using mulch to prevent weeds in your garden.

In addition, IPM is “flexible” and can be molded to fit the preferences and values of the individual user. An organic grower or homeowner using organic lawn and garden practices can and should use IPM, but their values preclude the use of products and practices that are not certified organic. Likewise, fewer weeds may be tolerated in a person’s front yard as opposed to the backyard.

A brief description of, and links to, the various topics within this module follows:

  1. Discover how we define IPM and important terms in What is IPM?
  2. Learn the importance of IPM in Why Practice IPM?
  3. Pest Identification is the first, and most critical step in any pest management program
  4. IPM Tactics fit into one or more of the categories described in this page
  5. The PAMS Approach is an easy way to remember the actions you can take in IPM
  6. Monitoring and assessment are essential components of IPM
    1. Insect monitoring traps
    2. Digital monitoring and decision tools
  7. Find more information about IPM in IPM Resources
  8. Try your hand in the IPM Quiz

Original content compiled by:

Cornell University Cooperative Extension logo

Revised in 2023 with new content added by the IPM Pesticide Safety Education Collaboration Team