Cleaning Vehicle and PPE

When you reach your destination, move the containers to your pesticide storage as soon as possible. Wear PPE/gloves to protect yourself and your clothing. Unload the vehicle carefully. Make sure packaging and containers have not been damaged and that lids are still tightly closed. Put damaged containers into a larger container, keeping different types of pesticides separate, and arrange to return them to the manufacturer.

Carefully lift heavy or awkward items to avoid injuring your back. For very heavy loads, use suitable mechanical lifting equipment, such as a forklift and pallets. Follow safe handling procedures.

Inspect the vehicle thoroughly after unloading to determine if any pesticide has leaked or spilled.

If you see any spilled or leaked pesticides in the vehicle, use the spill kit to collect the materials. You may be able to identify and collect granular materials and use according to the label. Apply absorbent material to liquid spills. Brush or sweep up absorbent material and place it in a fiber or steel drum lined with a heavy-weight plastic bag. Clean the area using a commercial cleaner made for this purpose, or as directed on the product label. Use additional absorbent material to soak up the cleaning solution and put it in the heavy-weight plastic bag. Next, follow state guidelines for disposing of the pesticide waste material now considered hazardous waste.

After you are finished unloading the pesticides and cleaning any spills, carefully remove your coveralls and place in a plastic bag. Carefully wash your gloves with soap and water, then remove them. Launder clothing separately from family wash using hot water. Hang washed clothing outdoors to dry. If you have spilled a concentrate on your clothing, dispose of the article of clothing rather than trying to clean it.

Compiled by Jan Hygnstrom, Erin Bauer, and Clyde Ogg, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
