Rinsate and Spill Cleanup Materials

Rinsate is pesticide-containing water (or other liquid) that results from rinsing a pesticide container (see Handling Pesticide Containers), pesticide equipment, or other pesticide-containing materials. Rinse application equipment properly, over an impermeable surface that drains to a sump. (For information on constructing a containment pad/sump see Storage Building and Location). Rinse water can then be recovered from the sump. Any solids left in the containment pad/sump should be dried and spread evenly over a part of the field in accordance with label directions. If this is not possible, these solids should be taken to an approved waste disposal site.

Rinsate is much more diluted than excess spray mixture and can be used as part (up to 5%) of the water (or other liquid) portion of the next spray mixture of that chemical, if used immediately or within the same season. This is allowed under federal law as long as the site to which the rinse water is applied is a labeled site. It may not be reusable if contaminated with dirt or other debris. Rinsate containing multiple pesticides is subject to the labeling requirements for each pesticide.

If rinsate needs to be stored within a season, it should be stored in leak-proof containers according to all applicable regulations. Label it, and store rinsates labeled for different crops, such as corn and soybeans, separately. For more information, see Storage Building and Location.  Rinsate that cannot be used must be disposed of according to local, state, and federal regulations. The label may indicate how to dispose of rinsate specifically or to wastes in general and may vary by product. As with excess spray mixture, it may be possible to dispose of rinsate directly through some sewage treatment facilities, if permission is granted directly by the facility.
See Reduce the Need for Disposal for ideas on how to minimize rinsate.

Material from Clean-up of Spills or Leaks
As much pesticide as possible should be recovered from a leak or spill. This may be done, for example, by placing a small leaking container inside a larger waterproof one, or by using pumping or other means to capture as much of the spill as possible. Any remaining liquid from the spill should be absorbed with a material such as cat litter, vermiculite, soil, sawdust, or other absorbent materials (check the Safety Data Sheet [see HazCom 2012] of the pesticide to find out if any of these materials should not be used). The contaminated material should then be shoveled into a leak-proof container such as a heavy-duty plastic bag or bucket. Hard surfaces on which spills or leaks occur will need to be decontaminated with strong detergent and water (consult the SDS for the right product to use). If decontamination solutions, cleaners, detergents, ammonia, chlorine bleaches, etc. are used to remove residues, they may need to be diluted before application to prevent soil and plant injury. Minor spills on contaminated soil can be handled with the application of activated charcoal.

Any spilled pesticide that can be captured directly should be applied to a labeled site. However, available options for disposing of material from the clean-up of spilled or leaked pesticides may vary depending on state and local regulations. In many cases, material from a spill or leak can be applied as a pesticide, if the spill or leak is from a currently registered pesticide and the clean-up is done immediately. These materials can usually be collected and placed in a suitable container and then spread onto a registered site. Using contaminated soil from a spill or leak may also be permitted, so long as the soil has not been contaminated over a long period of time and such use is consistent with state and local regulations. If a site has been contaminated over a long period by pesticide discharges, professional remediation may be necessary.

Contact your state Pesticide Control Official to determine any notification requirements that may be applicable to a spill or leak.