Training Resources

Pesticide safety training materials with the expanded content required by the 2015 revision to the WPS are available at the Pesticide Education Resources Collaborative. The WPS safety poster “Protect Yourself from Pesticides” should be available from your local Cooperative Extension Center or State Lead Agency. If not try the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative.

Protect Yourself and Your Family from Pesticide Exposure is a 49-page, illustrated booklet (available in English and Spanish) that is a helpful resource for communicating the Worker Protection Standard to Agricultural Workers. It is not approved as a training resource for workers by EPA, but is useful as a supportive or accompanying aid.

The entire WPS regulation is summarized in an EPA manual entitled, How to Comply With the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides–What Owners and Employers Need to Know.
Further details about the WPS are available at the following EPA Web site: Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS).

For questions involving human health and pesticides call the Nationwide Poison Center 1-800-222-1222 or the National Pesticide Information Center 1-800-858-7378.