Spill Contingency Planning

Contingency plans prepare your response to an emergency such as a spill. These plans should be site-specific for storage, transport, and mixing areas. The plan should outline specific procedures to be followed when a pesticide spill occurs, and clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each individual involved. This plan, coupled with employee training, will reduce response time and human and environmental risk from an accidental spill.

At least seven major items should be included in a contingency plan.

  1. A list of phone numbers and people to notify 
    1. Fire department
    2. Emergency medical help
    3. Poison control center
    4. CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300
    5. Local emergency planning committee (LEPC)
  2. Description of proper handling procedures for pesticide containers and application equipment.
  3. Inspection and repair methods for equipment.
  4. Spill containment.
  5. Spill recovery and its legal application at label rate or disposal procedures.
  6. Up-to-date pesticide inventory (or manifest of products being transported). A sketch of the facility and surrounding runoff patterns and water sources, drainage systems, location of spill kits, and equipment.
  7. Spill kits at all pesticide storage and mixing facilities and in vehicles that transport pesticides.

Spill Kit Information

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