Eggert’s Sunflower (US Air Force)
The Bald eagle, American alligator, and Eggert’s sunflower are living examples of how the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has saved animals and plants from the brink of extinction. Efforts to preserve endangered and threatened species will continue, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working with other federal agencies to develop protective measures related to the use of certain pesticides. This module of the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship website explains what you need to know about the Endangered Species Act and what resources are available, in addition to the pesticide label, to help you comply with this regulation. Review each section to understand the requirements, or click on a link below to learn about that topic.
- ESA and EPA
- Strategies
- ESA and Herbicide Labels
- Herbicide Drift
- Herbicide Runoff and Erosion
- Bulletins Live! Two
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Resources
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