If fungicide resistance is confirmed or highly suspected, diverse approaches to managing resistance need to be incorporated into disease management strategies immediately for the species in question.
Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) Code box
It is best to stop using the fungicide in question and other fungicides with the same MOA. If the decision is made to continue using the fungicide, there are several options:
- Start with proactive disease control with a fungicide with a different MOA that is known to control the resistant pathogen.
- Use the fungicide only in tank mixtures or pre-packs with one or more different MOAs that are known to control the resistant pathogen.
- Do both a. and b.
Any of these options provides at least one additional MOA that will help to prevent further spread of the resistant pathogen.
Avoid moving soil or plant parts to other fields and farms. Use a power washer or compressed air to help remove these potential sources of pathogen inoculum from any equipment used in the field. If any fields have a history of fungicide resistant fungi, use farm equipment in those fields last.
- Seek advice from the Cooperative Extension Service, your agricultural chemical dealer, crop advisor, and/or University Extension Plant Pathologist to assist in the long term planning of disease control in subsequent crops.
Resistance management strategies can differ for a specific combination of crop, disease, and geographical area. In addition to citing MOA group numbers for a rotation scheme (see Spraying by the Numbers), remember to always follow the resistance management recommendations printed on the product label. Labeling information will indicate how to reduce the potential development of resistant pests and the conditions under which product rotation to a different MOA is needed. Adhering to the resistance management principles outlined above will help prevent resistance from recurring and prove beneficial in managing resistance in the long term.
Compiled by Dr. Wayne Buhler, PhD