Treated Seed

Click on this link for information and resources on best management practices involving pesticide-treated seed from the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA).

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Pesticide Environmental Stewardship

tractor applying pesticides

The Pesticide Environmental Stewardship (PES) Website is sponsored by the Center for Integrated Pest Management. PES provides convenient access to information on proper pesticide handling. All subject matter contained on this site has been reviewed and posted by Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinators and Specialists from the Cooperative Extension Service. This website is intended for a […]

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Proactive Fungicide Resistance Avoidance

A proactive approach using diverse disease control tactics is the most effective way to avoid fungicide resistance. The primary objective of this preventive strategy is to reduce selection pressure by: 1) selecting and using fungicides correctly; and, 2) managing fields, farms, or sites wisely to reduce the inoculum of the pathogen and create conditions less […]

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Mechanisms of Fungicide Resistance

There are several ways that populations of fungi can become resistant to fungicides, these include: 1. Altered target site. A fungicide has a specific target site where it acts to disrupt a particular biochemical process or function. If this target site is somewhat altered, the fungicide no longer binds to the site of action and […]

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Is Fungicide Resistance to Blame?

Most fungicide failures are not due to resistance. Before assuming a pathogen surviving a fungicide application is resistant, eliminate other possible causes of poor control: Fungicide application Inadequate rate Poor spray coverage (illustrated below) Improper timing of application Antagonism between two or more products (wrong tank-mix partner) Environmental and plant growth conditions Excessively wet or […]

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Fungicide Terms to Know

Mode of action and target site or mechanism of action: Mode of action (MOA) describes the biochemical processes by which the fungicide poisons the fungus (for example, disrupting cell wall synthesis). Target site of action or mechanism of action is the exact location of inhibition, such as interfering with the activity of a specific enzyme within […]

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Fungicide Resistance

Fungicides are important tools for preventing and managing plant disease. Unlike insecticides and some herbicides which kill established insects or weeds, fungicides are most commonly applied to protect healthy plants before infection occurs. Resistance to fungicides is one of many possible causes of poor disease control (see Is Resistance to Blame?). Resistance refers to a […]

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Preventing Resistance

Reversal of resistance can occur in some pest populations by allowing time between applications of a class of pesticide to permit resistant populations to become diluted by pesticide-susceptible individuals. However, no one can predict if or when resistant pests will change back to a susceptible population. The best practice is to reduce the chance of resistance developing in […]

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Introduction to Pesticide Resistance

spotted wing drosophila

Pesticides are substances that control various types of pests, such as weeds, harmful insects, and disease-causing organisms like bacteria and fungi. Pesticides oftentimes are the most effective and efficient pest control tools available. Resistance to pesticides is a serious, and growing, problem. Worldwide, more than 600 species of pests have developed some level of pesticide […]

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Introduction to safe pesticide use This portion of the website discusses pesticides and pest management for the Homeowner. This website provides information on selecting, applying, storing, and disposing of pesticides and pesticide containers. On the left side of the screen, there are ‘folder tabs’ that address important topics. You can click any tab for specific […]

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