Herbicide Spraying by the Numbers

Herbicides are grouped according to family (e.g., triazines), the target site of action or mechanism of action (e.g., Group 5), and mode of action (e.g., Photosynthesis Inhibitor). Herbicides within a family have similar chemical structures and typically the same site or mechanism of action (MOA). Knowing the chemical family and MOA group to which an […]

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Herbicide Resistance Terms to Know

Susceptibility and Tolerance Herbicide susceptibility is the degree to which a plant is subject to injury or death due to a particular herbicide. Herbicide tolerance is the inherited ability of a species to survive and reproduce following herbicide treatment. There was no selection to make the plants tolerant; those plants simply possess a natural tolerance. […]

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Fungicide Spraying by the Numbers

Fungicides are grouped by ‘families’ or ‘classes’ that share a common mode of action and chemical structure. The Mode of Action Group (A, B, etc.) refers to the biochemical process inhibited by the fungicide, such as cell wall synthesis, respiration, etc. Sub-groups (A1, A2, etc.) within a Mode of Action Group refer to specific biochemical […]

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Fungicide Terms to Know

Mode of action and target site or mechanism of action: Mode of action (MOA) describes the biochemical processes by which the fungicide poisons the fungus (for example, disrupting cell wall synthesis). Target site of action or mechanism of action is the exact location of inhibition, such as interfering with the activity of a specific enzyme within […]

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Insecticide Spraying by the Numbers

To make it easy to recognize different classes or modes of action, the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) has created a classification scheme that distinguishes modes of action by group numbers. IRAC is an industry-organized group of pest management specialists that develops resistance management guidelines for global implementation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requested agricultural chemical […]

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Resources and Suggested Reading

For diagnostic tests see: Insecticide Resistance Management Committee (IRAC) or Agdia Testing Services Understanding Insecticide Mode of Action in Crop Protection Strategies. A PowerPoint presentation was given by Dr. Caydee Savinelli, IRAC. North Carolina Crop Protection School. 2015.   Topics Included in this Module Introduction to Insecticide Resistance Is Resistance to Blame? — Resistance is not the […]

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Introduction to Insecticide Resistance

Insecticides are organized into classes—organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids, etc.— that share a common chemical structure and mode of action (MOA). MOA is the specific process by which an insecticide kills an insect, or inhibits its growth. The target site of action is the exact location of inhibition, such as interfering with the activity of an enzyme […]

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